Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Commentariat -- August 12

Okay, it now appears that my entire site is down. By accident, I was able to get Reality Chex up once, but I probably won't be able to do so again, perhaps for 24 hours or more. So it may be that everything happens on Reality Chex Annex. This is getting to be more than I can handle. ...

     ... Update: is back in business but I'm still working on Off Times Square. I have learned the identity of an individual who was responsible for taking down the site last night. He apparently was looking for information about where I live. Because he was aware information available publicly was not up-to-date, I believe he may have stalked my neighborhood and may pose a threat to my safety. I have contacted the local police in the city where he resides.

In the wee hours this morning I reproduced -- as best I could -- the Commentariat here. I've since added extensively to the Commentariat on the Reality Chex site. As seems to be working reliably now, I've taken down this abbreviated version. Thanks for your patience, everyone.